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Past, Present, and Future Come Together in THE ILLUMINATED HAGGADAH…
The Haggadah is the blueprint for remembering our past, understanding our present, while illuminating our future.
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Afikoman bag White fabric Zipper Various embroidery styles 9.5” X 9.5” 50% Off list price!
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Each year Jewish families join together to retell the story of our ancient forefathers' Exodus from Egypt. This becomes a very enjoyable andsignificant event when one uses a Haggadah that truly explains the Seder, stepby step, with clear instructions, and the meaning of every aspect. ThisHaggadah is complete with: An...
$ 12.99 $ 21.99
Darkness to Destiny Haggadah by Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein Once a year, it is a mitzvah for us to tell a story… The recounting of the Exodus from Egypt forms the centerpiece of the Seder. This story has a unique aspect to it, for it needs to be told as if...
Sold Out $ 180.00
Silver Plated Seder Plate Three tiered Seder Plate and Matza Holder 14" wide X 7" high Compare at $180 or more! Includes Free shipping Majestic Giftware